Winter is almost here in Chamblee, Georgia! And that means you will soon be turning on the heat to keep your home comfortable. You may have noticed your furnace or heating system emits a burning smell when you turn it on with the first cold snap. In case you were wondering if a burning smell is normal when you turn on the heat, you are not alone. We get that question a lot! Read on to set your mind at ease.

Is a Burning Smell Normal?

The short answer is yes, a slight burning smell is normal with the first use of the season. This smell is usually generated by dust within your system, whether you have a furnace, electric heater, or a heat pump. It should dissipate quickly, typically within one heating cycle. If it lasts for more than an hour, that may indicate a problem that needs professional assistance.

You can reduce this burning smell in a couple of ways. First is to have a thorough furnace tune-up of your Chamblee home’s heating system before the cold arrives. Many HVAC companies offer ongoing maintenance programs to keep your system in tip-top shape all year long through the Georgia seasons.

The second step you can take is to use our certified HVAC technicians in Chamblee to replace your heating systems filter. Just as with anything else, when heating systems sit unused, they will collect dust. Replacing the filter regularly will help reduce any unwanted smells, such as the smell of something burning, once winter arrives and will help keep the system running efficiently.

When Is It Not Normal?

While most burning smells at the start of the season are normal, sometimes they are cause for concern. Watch for a few distinct odors when you turn your heater on for the first time each year. Our Chamblee team of furnace repair and tune-up experts can help diagnose these issues.

If the odor from your heater smells of plastic or has an electrical hint, you will want to turn your heater off right away. After you do that, contact your local Chambelee certified HVAC technician. A professional company will perform an inspection to locate the source of the smell. The smell could be coming from melted wiring insulation, a broken motor, or worn-out heater components.

If you have questions or concerns about the burning smell your heating system is emitting, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact Vital Air Services to schedule your appointment. Our certified HVAC technicians serves Chamblee, Peachtree and Tucker.

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